A good exercise week for me consists of two dance aerobic classes and two step aerobic classes. A realistic week is three classes a week in some combination of dance and step. But I never miss Thursday nights, that’s when Tom steps with me. And he’s good. Real good. The teachers LOVE him. But then again, who doesn’t love Tom?
02 JunStep
01 JunLexi Mae
30 MayI’m trapped
I’m trapped in another two year Verizon Wireless contract. I did the math front, back and upside down. I wanted out, I wanted out bad. But not out of Verizon just out of my current contract so I could use the more economical pay as you go plan (more economical for me since I average 30 minutes per month) which apparently is not more economical for Verizon. But in the end I left with a pretty pink phone, kind of makes up for everything, don’t ya think?
29 MayUnofficial start of summer
This Memorial Day weekend I…
Had Ice Cream…
Got my nails ready for open toe shoe season…
Watched Sam Hornish Jr. win the Indy500 while routing for Danica the entire time…
Played 90’s Edition of Trivia Pursuit…
Had a moment of silence…
Meanwhile my dogs worked on their tans.
26 MaySummer of the mean reds.
It’s Memorial Day weekend and our office is closed on Monday. A colleague asked if I was excited about the three day weekend. I said, “Yes, absolutely, I can’t wait.” But the truth is I didn’t always feel that way about three day weekends. There was this one summer when I loathed them. My roommate (best friend, stood up for me at my wedding, who I love and adore to this day) was studying abroad. I had good friends at work and a solid happy hour routine, but as the summer went on I developed a case of the mean reds…
The blues are because you’re getting fat and maybe it’s been raining too long, you’re just sad that’s all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you’re afraid and you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling? Holly Golightly Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 1961.
“So how do you feel about three day weekends now?” the colleague asked. I told her I could take off weeks at a time and enjoy it. She said that I must be happy now. It’s true. I am happy now.
Here is an excerpt from my diary that summer, which wasn’t so much a diary as much as it was a long, never ending and never sent letter to my roommate Mickey (it has just a hint of DRAMA QUEEN)…
Saturday, June 20, 1998: Well I did my laundry, got pictures developed and bought a tape, and lied out in the sun on the roof. It has been one of the most exciting Saturdays ever…I’m hungry, broke, alone and unemployed – not too thrilled with the way things are going. I just can’t help to think that everything is OK and will be OK. I will pass happy and fulfilled.
Later that summer I met my husband.
25 MayNote to self…
Pick up soda.
There is a retirement party at work on Tuesday and I signed up to bring soda. I picked something I didn’t have to cook or prepare or be judged on by taste. Now if I can only stop obsessing over what flavors to buy and losing sleep over cups and ice.
24 MayBlog Stress
Ugh, this blog is too much pressure. I’m not a writer. Last night I wrote a whole entry in my head and when Tom came to bed at 1:00am (which woke me out of a sound sleep) it was completely gone. And then I started yelling at him, I think I called him a piece of stinky shit. I blame it on blog stress. He was up until one in the morning working on my site. The thanks he gets.
23 MayWordPress
Just wanted to give thanks to the WordPress team for the development of such a great blogging platform.