19 JunI’m sure

Friday after work I met a friend for dinner. When I got there she had her two year old son with her, it was a pleasant surprise, I don’t get to see either of them as often as I would like. Getting out of her car my friend was juggling a few items and asked if I could hold her son’s hand. I did. While walking towards the restaurant I looked down at him and he just melted my heart, his little hand in mine. We ordered our meals and I excused myself to the ladies room. When I returned my friend had decided that since her two year old had managed to clear the table (which she had predicted, he is two after all) we should get our dinners to go and eat at her place where he could have the run of the house and we could chat. She then asked me, while her son squirmed in her lap throwing crayons left and right, if moments like these help solidify my decision not to have children. I told her that even moments like walking hand in hand with her son, heart melting and all, that I’m sure.


Back at home

Tom and I adore children, even the ones who dump pasta on the floor to signify “I’m done.” We enjoy watching them learn to walk and talk, play, laugh, and grow (not real big on the crying). And yes, we have made the decision not to have our own. But we will never make the decision to close our hearts or our home to any child.

16 JunFour thingies

When I get emails that are chain letters or questionnaires or jokes I usually delete them. This one I actually answered and forwarded to my friends but none of them responded back to me. I guess that’s email karma. Here is what I said…

Four jobs I have had:
1. Banana Republic at Carousel Mall in Syracuse, NY.
2. Victoria’s Secret in Salt Lake City, Boston, Syracuse, and Albany.
3. Legislative Aide for the NYS Assembly in Albany.
4. Nanny throughout New England.

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. Amadeus “That was Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.”
2. Men in Black “And hire a decorator to come in here fast because…damn!”
3. Office Space “Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking! Just a Moment!”
4. Euro Trip because it makes Tom laugh so much. “This Absinthe is Bullshit!”

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Its summer time…Big Brother!
2. The O.C.
3. Grey’s Anatomy
4. Big Love

Four places I have vacationed:
1. Venice, Italy
2. Katmandu, Nepal
3. Seminole, Florida
4. Lake Michigan

Four websites I visit daily:
1. www.dooce.com
2. www.amalah.com
3. www.trixieupdate.com
4. www.currentdirt.com

Four of my favorite foods/food groups:
1. Mexican…Mi restaurante favorito es El Loco.
2. Italian…Il mio ristorante preferito e Caffe Italia.
3. Breakfast food…Viva la French Toast! Heartland Scramble!
4. Cheese cake…creamy, rich and smooth on a graham cracker crust with strawberries & whipped cream.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Shopping for shoes.
2. Vacationing at my parents place in Florida.
3. Getting an ice coffee and chocolate croissant from the Daily Grind.
4. On the couch watching one of my favorite shows.

15 JunMath

I did some math tonight and we have an extra $300.00 just hanging out totally unaccounted for.

I looked Tom square in the eyes and said, “You better not spend it.”

He said, “What are you going to do with it?”

I said, “It’s for emergencies. Like when we are out shopping and we see something we want but don’t need, that’s an emergency.”

Something doesn’t add up here.

12 JunIt’s a party when…


You come home covered in red wine

The best part about the wedding we went to this weekend was that Tom had a good time! Knowing how much he shies away from events like these I told him he could sit this one out, that I would know enough people attending to go solo. He decided to go anyway and had an absolutely marvelous time. It was a beautiful day for a wednic…a picnic with just a touch of wedding.


19. hanging flowers

13. kegs

16. wines

Tom & Liz 6.10.06

09 JunAppreciated

It’s employee appreciation week at work. We got an email saying, “If you don’t wear funny sunglasses you will get fired.”


I need my job

08 Jun3 Days, 500 Miles: Day Three

1) Visited my parents

2) Had Brooklyn Pickle for lunch

3) Went to Eureka Crafts for unique gifts

4) Shopped at Lord & Taylor

5) Didn’t take a single picture

07 Jun3 Days, 500 Miles: Day Two

Indy Bridge

Watkins Glen Indy Grand Prix

Section 4

This was our third Indy Car Race

Hat 2

It was one of the most exciting

Indy mud

And muddiest

We love Indy Car Racing. It started when Danica Patrick raced in the Indy 500 one year ago. I was impressed, in awe, an instant fan. Since then I have followed her career and during that time Tom has become a fan of Helio Castroneves. Win or lose, we always have a good time at the races.

06 Jun3 Days, 500 Miles: Day One

Carrie and Tony

Visited our good friends Carrie and Tony


They have three little boys

Ben 3

The youngest born just two weeks ago

Carrie and I met many years ago working at a law firm, she was a paralegal and I was a legal assistant. In my opinion the only good thing that came from that job was our friendship. Thanks for letting us stay with you this weekend!