Top five reasons I watch the World Cup…
5. It’s once every four years, like the Olympics.
4. A sense of global community.
3. Watching European fans throw chairs at each other.
2. It’s all my husband talks about.
And the number one reason…
Some people celebrate the 4th with fireworks, Tom got his second tattoo.
I plan on going to see a movie.
“Are you going to blog about your new computer?”
“I might”
“I spent four hours sweating my ass off to set up that computer”
“How long? Four hours?”
“I’m going to need to know that for the blog”
Pasquales is the pizza joint at the top of our street. The food is made to order with the freshest ingredients by owner Victoria. Both Tom and I frequent this establishment as do Sara, her sister and mother. We started going together and now many a Saturday night the five of us will spend our evening at Pasquales with Victoria, eating good food, drinking lots of wine, and enjoying each others company. This Saturday was no exception. It must have been a good night since I was once again covered in red wine.
Yesterday, after traffic court but before a visit from my dear friend Janelle, the contractor Phil showed up to discuss our bathroom options. Something must be done about the current state of our upstairs loo. It didn’t take long for the conversation to go from a couple thousand dollars to a zillion dollars. But when you to say to a contractor, “It would be a dream if only you could…” Guess what, he can. The next step is to get a plumber in the house to tell us how difficult and expensive it will be to do what we want to do. Can’t wait for that. Tom and I are really excited about the prospects. Being able to brush our teeth without bumping into a wall will one day be a reality.
Shortly after the contractor left we got a visit from this cutie…