07 AugNew Collars

We bought our dogs new collars this weekend. Yup, pretty exciting stuff.

Chyna collar


Oscar collar


Oscar looking

I so don’t care

03 AugLooking Good Derek

“Are you going to post about the new TV?”


“Did you post about our TV?”

“Not yet”

“When are you going to post about the TV?”

Here it goes…

Derek Jeter is looking good on our new 37″ HDTV LCD Flat Panel Television. Didn’t know he could get any hotter!

Old TV

Out with the old

New TV

In with the new

30 JulTwo Words…

Chocolate Martini

Let’s start at the beginning. My girlfriends at work gave me a gift certificate to Angelo’s 677 Prime, an upscale steakhouse located downtown for my birthday. Tom and I made reservations for Saturday night. This night marked our one and half year wedding anniversary and eight years together which made a good enough excuse for a nice dinner out.

677 highlights…
Lemon Drop Martini which came with a rock candy swizzle stick and rim dipped in sugar
French Onion Soup
Goat Cheese, Raspberry & Walnut Salad which included apples, spring greens, champagne vinaigrette and fresh raspberries
Nori Tempura Asparagus
Steak au Poivre

And believe it or not, we skipped dessert.

After dinner we strolled towards South Pearl Street. We saw a couple from the restaurant walking into the Capital Repertory Theatre where Five Course Love was showing. I looked at Tom and said, “do you want to catch a show?” We asked the box office if there were any seats available and there were. But not just any seats, last minute half off seats. Nice. We gotta try that move again. Tom enjoyed the show so much that he wanted to meet the cast afterwards, but we didn’t snoop around and stalk them or anything.

It was now 10:00 and Pearl Street was starting to come alive. First stop Blue 82. A new place we’ve never been. Tom commented that it was his kind of place. Sit back, enjoy a beverage, chill. Not me. I needed louder music and a dance floor. Next stop a bar called Pure, another new place in downtown. That’s more like it. Pounding beats and a place to shake your bon bon. While Tom checked out the digs I perused the martini menu. And there it was…the Chocolate Martini. It jumped right out at me and screamed, “drink me, you skipped dessert, I’m made with three different chocolate liqueurs.” How could I resist? And it was a-ma-zing. Worth skipping dessert for, worth the $12.00, worth the embarrassing noises I made while sipping it.

South Pearl Street….Pure…Chocolate Martini…worth repeating.

Dinner, an impromptu show, and an mmm, ohhh, ahhh Chocolate Martini. A night like that with the one I love? That’s what I call la dolce vita!

25 JulDear Mom,

I got my haircut. Thought you might like it. Love, Elizabeth

long hair 3

On my way there. Driving. During rush hour. Taking a photo.

short hair 1

All gone.

short hair 2

Still gone…deep breath…breathe.

19 JulSake

Tom and I tried Sake for the first time this weekend. I have to admit it tasted like nail polish remover if I had to guess what that would taste like. But like wine and beer there are many varieties of both hot and cold Sake and I would be up for it again.


Sake 1

Sake 2

15 JulSummer TV Addictions

It’s summer and all my TV staples are on hiatus. No Grey’s, no ER, no O.C. (sob). What’s a TV junkie to do? Well, I have come across some shows that are keeping me delighted until the leaves start to fall and Dr. McDreamy is back in my home once a week. Can you say House Call?

Take Home Chef Curtis Stone is as yummy as the provisions he cooks up for his unsuspecting grocery shoppers on TLC. “Earl, hunky chef in isle four.”

Dinner Takes All Also on TLC, five people who think they can cook and entertain try to out do each other for $1,000. This would fall under the category of hostess envy. Never to consider myself the hostess with the mostess I like watching these people sweat.

Cash Cab The Discovery Channel serves up general trivia in a NYC taxi cab. It’s like Jeopardy with a twist. Mmmm…did somebody say twist? I could go for a cocktail. Oh, I’m already having one. That could explain this post.

And summer just wouldn’t be as hot and steamy without Big Brother All – Stars! My alliance is with Janelle. She would fall under the category of buxom blonde cocktail waitress envy.

So pour yourself a cool drink, grab the remote, and watch the shows you enjoy most this summer. Or then again read a book. Whatever!


12 JulGonna Get deleted…

OK So I’m not ‘really’ supposed to post here …..
But this was just too funny to pass up.


Warning Sign Generator.

Go make some of your own ….. Enjoy!

09 JulWhew!

You Are 0% Redneck

I’ll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style.
You ain’t no redneck – you’re all Yankee!
How Redneck Are You?