04 SepLabor Day Vaca

I got a $100.00 pair of Michael Kors shoes for $21.00. Now I ask you, does the rest of the weekend really matter? Well, I am going to share anyway. Follow along…

Friday night…dinner with my parents at Francesca’s Cucina in Syracuse’s “Lil Italy.” Cute waitress, great food, live music. It was a very entertaining and lively night.

Dinner by candle light

El fresco and by candlelight.

Saturday…an excellent cycle class at the Y, a trip to the farmers market where I got my beloved concord grapes, and a productive trip to Lord and Taylor where I got a $130.00 blazer for $25.00 (and more). My dad cooked us dinner and the baseball game was rained out. We ended up at the mall.

rained out

Translation…go to mall, buy awesome shoes.

Sunday morning…yummy, yummy blueberry pancakes made by my dad. On the road to Cooperstown where we visited the National Baseball Hall of Fame and took a tour of the Ommegang Brewery.


Those be Jeter’s sneakers.


Beer tasting at Ommegang.

Monday evening…BBQ with Sara and her family. And a surprise homemade bread pudding dessert compliments of Brendan.


Sara says, “Brendan, your sauce sounds dirty.”

01 SepDonate and Dance

Donate Blood. Donate Now.

But…don’t donate two hours before you have plans to go out drinking. Apparently when you are a ‘pint down’ they don’t want you drinking alcohol, something about oxygen levels and blah, blah, blah. All day I had visions of my last summer hurrah frozen margarita. Are frozen margaritas like white shoes? Can you drink them after Labor Day?

Nonetheless, Tom and I met friends at Noche to (well, not drink) and see a Belly Dancing troop perform. The Belly Dancers did not disappoint and we actually booked them for our next Girls Night Out!

oscar blood donation

No Frozen Margaritas For You!

27 AugTime of Change

It’s back to school season, and for the first two or three years after (finally) graduating college I could smell the three ring binders and pencils in the air. But its been a long time since September has meant change for me. Summer comes and goes as I go about my usual routine never noticing the sale of spiral notebooks at Target, don’t need one, don’t want one.

But this September is different. I too am starting something new. With the end of summer, for me came the end of Jacki Sorensen’s Aerobics. For the past four years I have been going to aerobic and step classes three times a week. I had a wonderful teacher, Diane, who had a wonderful assistant Jeanette, and a class full of wonderful women. It was wonderful. But I felt as though I plateaued in my fitness goals, became complacent, got stuck in a routine. Hence, a time of change…

I now belong to the North Albany YMCA. It’s a lovely new facility about a mile from my office. Diane’s not there, no one cares but me if I come or go, and I have NO IDEA why all the machines are flashing at me. But I’ll get it. Eventually.

Fitness will continue to be a priority in my life. It will be harder now to set my own schedule, harder to learn new routines and machines, harder because I will miss seeing my friends every week. But it is my goal to work harder too. So it sounds like a good fit for me, for now.

19 AugYet another

This is yet another first for me. Earlier this week I had my first real time post. Tonight is my first drunk post. Yes, we are talking a lot of wine. Sara and I both drink wine. One of us drinks white and one of us drinks red. So what is my color? What is Sara’s color? Who’s who in this latest and first ever Dirt Girl poll?


Who’s white? Who’s red?


Hanging out at Pasquales.


I love Tom


Designated driver. Thank you.

19 AugThank You Spectrum

Today I went to see Little Miss Sunshine. It’s pretty much the definition of a dark comedy which touches on such subjects as homosexuality, suicide, child beauty pageants, drug abuse among the elderly, and Proust scholarship. But this isn’t a movie review. This is a thank you letter.

As I was leaving my house I gave a quick shout up to Tom for some cash and got the standard, “I don’t have any money.” Since I wasted my CVS candy shopping time playing computer games I only had $11.00 in my wallet for a ticket, soda, and popcorn. It’s 2006, $11.00 ain’t gonna cut it.

After paying $6.75 for the ticket I had about $4.00 left for snacks. I asked the teenage summer job workers how much for a small and a small (they totally knew what I meant) and said it would be six something. The popcorn boy asked if I wanted butter (it’s real butter – remember Carrie?) and I said, “Wait, I don’t have enough money.” It must have been his last day before going back to school or something because he’s like, “We’ll just take whatever you have, butter?” So they took my $4.50 and said enjoy the show. And I did.

Thanks Spectrum!

18 AugDear Adoring Fans,

Your Blogging Type Is the Private Performer

Your blog is your stage – with your visitors your adoring fans.
At least, that’s how you write with your witty one liners.
And while you like attention, you value your privacy.
You’re likely to have an anonymous blog – or turn off comments.

17 AugUltraviolet

Welcome to my first ever real time post. I am currently sitting at the Ultraviolet Cafe on Delaware Ave. with Melissa (Blonde Things) and Tom (our resident Techie). Tom is giving Melissa a ‘Behind the Blog 101’ course. Well, it’s more like ‘Behind the Blog 301’, it’s a pretty advanced lesson, I have no idea what they are talking about.

blonde thing cafe

Melissa was prompt. We were almost 15 minutes late. Sorry.


I had coffee, but not from this shelf.

in session

Class in session.

in progress

As we speak.

08 AugBack to Derek

OK, so a couple of people left comments about not caring for or knowing who Derek Jeter is. I felt as though I had to defend my choices in hot, irresistible, unattainable men. But that’s not what this post it about, not completely.

Tom and I met in the summer of ’98. It was the height of baseball season and fast approaching playoffs. It was also the beginning of a lifelong relationship between me and Derek, I mean Tom. We wanted to spend time together, but maybe a little more importantly, Tom wanted to watch the Yankees.

In an effort to have the best of both worlds Tom told me there was a guy on the Yankees team that all the ladies thought was attractive and could I pick him out? A challenge? A “can I pick out the hot guy challenge?” You’re on. I noticed Derek right away but played it cool, “Who that guy? He’s not so cute.” But he was SO cute and I’ve been a Yankee fan ever since. Cause damn.

Tom got his girl and his game and I got Derek…sort of…well, not really.


The sign I made October 21, 1998.
We watched the game together.