10 OctThe Quote

We received the quote today from Phil, our contractor who is going to completely and utterly renovate our second floor (sans one bedroom which will pale in comparison one day to our new bedrooms). We first met with Phil on June 21st, the only thing that has really changed since then is, well, my mind, about 20 times a day.

I can not wait to have a new bathroom and a new bedroom and a new second bathroom and a reach in closet and a level floor and a vanity that doesn’t suck.

Do we really need a second bathroom? It’s just the two of us.

Tub or standup shower, tub or standup shower, tub or standup shower? OK, but not the $2,000 standup shower we love. Or should we, no we shouldn’t.

It’s too much. It’s going to cost too much. This money isn’t free. We have to PAY IT BACK…with interest.

Let’s take the money and run.

Let’s get a winnebago instead. OK, maybe this one. We can sleep and shower and pee in that.

What the hell…let’s re-do ALL the bedrooms. And shit…may as well get the kitchen re-done too.

There are sink faucets that cost over $1,000? I have to pick out a grout color? Toilet seats are sold separately from toilets? Forget it. We’re not doing this. I quit.

I can not wait to have a new bathroom and a new bedroom and a new second bathroom and a reach in closet and a level floor and a vanity that doesn’t suck.

09 OctIn fourteen hundred ninety-two…

…Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

In 2006 Tom and I went to a football game. Saturday was a beautiful autumn day in upstate New York. A beautiful day for a drive and a beautiful day for a college football game, if you’re into that kind of thing, which Tom is, and the tickets were free. We drove to West Point to watch the Army vs VMI football game. Army won. They won big. But I didn’t really care about the score, its just always more fun when the home team wins. Just one thing…


Can someone explain this to me.

01 OctGerber Daisies

My favorite flowers because I had them at my wedding too. These are from a coworker’s wedding this weekend.





Hey, how did our cakes get back on the blog?

24 SepBeen Sick

Along with cooler nights, changing leaves and shorter days comes the cold season. And yes, I got one. I have spent the last week visualizing happier and healthier days. Here are a couple that get me to smile every time…


My fair skinned husband at the beach.


Oscar’s first day home.


Our wedding cakes!

18 SepShamrocks, Money & Dragons

After a workout at the Y Saturday morning, Tom and I headed off to Irish Fest. We used to go when we were first dating, it’s a nice event for a newly dating couple. We haven’t been in about five years and went back this weekend. It was a beautiful day. We caught an amazing performance by an Irish Dance Troop from Chicago and met up with friends to listen and dance to the band Seven Nations.


Couple ‘O Seven Nations lads.

On Sunday I was part of the “money room” team for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I volunteered through work to be part of the team that counted donations from the day’s walkers. I have participated in walks before and this was an interesting, behind the scenes twist to a walk day.


Count de Monet!

Sunday afternoon we went to our nephew’s 6th birthday party. I asked him a few weeks ago what he wanted for his birthday and he said Star Wars. Yup, that would fall into the husband department of this team. Tom did good. Logan’s face lit up when he unwrapped the Star Wars Transformer something or others. Logan is a very funny boy and it was a pleasure to see him and his friends enjoy the afternoon together.


It was a dragon theme.


With a dragon Pinata.

13 Sep15 Min Parking

A ray of sun (flowers) on a gray northeastern day.


I may have been illegally parked to take this photo. Hard to tell.

13 SepNew Set of Wheels

Can you picture it? Danica Patrick getting the checkered flag in her new bat mobile during the 2007 Indy Car Racing Season. I can.


Motorola gave her the car, I can’t wait to see the phone.

12 SepMorning Commute


Hudson River in September


Railroad Tracks