18 Jan2007 Preview

It’s halfway through the first month of the New Year. I could tell you how I am doing with my resolution except I never made one. I was thinking of recycling more, but never committed to the idea. Occasionally I tell myself to take the extra two steps to the blue bin, but it doesn’t always happen. If I can’t commit to recycling more maybe I should resolve to update this site more, for the three people who read it.

Here are some events you can look forward to I am looking forward to this year:

A road trip with my girlfriends to Lake Placid. This could get ugly. You may get a couple of photos of the mountains, but no cameras are allowed during our night out.

Our second wedding anniversary. Ahh, how sweet. We are going to dinner at Caffe Italia. Maybe this post will be a good time to share about our first wedding anniversary dinner. I’m hoping this year is less eventful.

A day trip with my Mom to Springfield, MA for a mini family reunion. Which will also include a couple of stops at various outlets.

The delivery of dining room furniture. Ethan Allen furniture will replace Christmas Tree Shop furniture, you don’t want to miss that.

A trip to Florida for an IndyCar Race and one at Watkins Glen too. I have big plans for these races. I’m going all out this year and making a sign to take with me. This could take me to a whole new level of geekness.

The possible (and hopeful) renovation of our second floor. I still go back and forth with ideas but it really doesn’t matter since we haven’t seen or spoken to our contractor since before Thanksgiving.

Stayed tuned for all of this and more! You never know, I could always fall flat on my face again at any moment.

01 JanI rang in the New Year with the sniffles

I am pretty sure that the past two weeks of running around, travel, kisses on cheeks, overspending*, and complete lack of normalcy has caught up with me. I am looking forward to getting back into a normal routine. One that doesn’t include sugar cookies or skipping the gym.

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and rang in the new year somewhere other than the couch, like me.

*OK, I am pretty sure overspending doesn’t make you sick, but the umpteen trips to the mall didn’t help in the germ department.

20 DecA little reminder of what it’s all about

Yesterday a small package arrived from our good friends Carrie and Tony. My first thought was how silly of Carrie to go out of her way to get us a gift, it just wasn’t necessary. We opened the box to find a holiday craft project that their little boys made and I thought how very sweet. But when I read the note attached I felt the spirit of Christmas…

Not sure you relish another craft from the boys, but our four year old specifically said he needed to make one for “Liz & Tom.”


Merry Christmas

17 DecNot so Lazy Sunday Afternoon

This afternoon Tom and I took our six year old nephew to see Disney on Ice, Monsters Inc.

We pick him up at 11:30, get in the car, smell dog poop, find the poopie sneaker, clean it and head to lunch. But he doesn’t want to go to lunch. He wants to see Monsters Inc. According to him no one said anything about going to lunch. Oh well kid, I’m hungry. We take him to Jillians which at first glance is not a kid friendly restaurant. And this was apparent by our nephew’s shy demeanor. He ordered a salad with Italian dressing and a cheese pizza. That’s when I gave Tom the high sign and off they went. You see, little did the little guy know Jillians has an arcade, a huge arcade, on the bottom level. As he told his grandma when we got home, he nearly fainted when he saw all those games. The food arrived, he ate like a champ and we were off to see the show. Of course not without a couple, can we go back downstairs and play more games? Not today, but we promised him we would be back.


I can’t say the show kept our attention the entire time, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. During the second half the little guy stayed busy with a ten dollar Icee. Yup ten dollars to get ice in a Monsters Inc. cup. When I handed him the empty cup to take home as a souvenir he wanted nothing to do with it. Said he had finished the Icee. I suggested he could put other drinks in it. Um, no thanks. Silly Aunt Liz. On the ride home he reported to us the speed the car was going at every moment by reading our digital speedometer.


Needless to say Tom and I took a very long nap when we got home.

10 DecWeekend Wrap Up

WARNING: This post may cause drowsiness, do not read while operating heavy machinery.

Chapter One: Heavy Lifting
Friday night Tom recruited his friend Tony to help us move furniture. Tom’s grandma is now in a nursing home where she is doing quite well, especially socially, which is important at any age. So we (i.e. Tom and Tony) packed up Tony’s truck, my mother-in-law’s jeep, and my Civic with furniture for our house. We now have a new bedroom set for our guest room, a couch, a beautiful antique bookcase, some lamps, and other things I can’t remember right now. I helped by getting in the way and waiting for the pizza. Not helping can make me very hungry. Anyway, thanks for the help Tony.

Chapter Two: Kung Fu Fighting
Saturday morning was our nephew’s first karate tournament. He made us so very proud. The judge asked if he needed any help, he said no, the judged asked if he can do it by himself, he said yes. And he did! We left before he competed in a second competition and before the trophy ceremony (he came in third). I can only sit in a grade school gymnasium for so long before I can’t take the smell, noise, and germs any longer. Love ya guy, you did great, but I gotta go.

Chapter Three: Sour Steps
Off to the Y…One thing I loved about my old aerobics program was the step class. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I have since taken a couple of step classes offered by the Y. Two different locations, two different teachers. And I hate it, hate it, hate it. I did not come out of either class feeling good. When I step off the Arc machine dripping in sweat, I feel good. When I hop off the stationary bike after spinning class, I feel good. When I leave my weekly muscle conditioning class after being able to do more reps with heavier weights than last week, I feel good. I have yet to find a step class at the Y that makes me feel good. So, I’ll pass for now.

Chapter Four: Not Pumping Iron
After my not so great step class I raced right over the red cross for my 12:45 appointment to donate blood where I waited, and waited, and waited. Finally it was my turn to answer “no” to about 50 questions that I answered no to last time I was there. Did you live in a country you’ve never heard of for more than 5 months between 1970 and 1985…STILL NO. But this time I never made it to the prison and tattoo questions. I flunked my iron test. What’s weird about this is that I recently started taking a daily vitamin with 100% daily iron. And here’s another funny thing, the list of foods high in iron they gave me are just about the only foods I eat. So what’s up with the low iron? They told me to try again in a month and eat a whole lot of raisins the week before. Great. Can’t wait.

Chapter Five: The Almost Perfect Gift
After flunking my iron test Tom and I headed out to do some Christmas shopping. Next person on my list? Tom. He sort of found out that I got him an Adidas outfit to wear to and from the gym. That’s because I soft of told him. But since he already knew about it what’s the harm in taking a look at the other colors, sizes and styles, just to make sure the perfect one is under the tree. No, he’s not high maintenance at all. And yes he got a different color and size. Then off to Target where Tom picked out a couple more Christmas gifts, for him, from me.

Chapter Six: Burger Please
What better way to wallow in low iron pity than to eat a big juicy burger. And I did just that.

Chapter Seven: Merry Christmas to Me
Saturday night I had an incredible urge to shop at Macy*s. While I was shopping Tom went and bought my Christmas gift. I didn’t pick it out but I have a pretty good idea what it is. He was carrying around a little (be it nano) bag from the Apple store. Hmmm. Anyway, there were deals to be had where I was, and yes, it’s all for me:

Silver heart and star charm bracelet originally $130.00 purchased for $40.00.
Fresh water pearl bracelet (five strands) originally $70.00 purchased for $14.00.
Red wool tailored jacket originally $100.00 purchased for $45.00.

Chapter Eight: Coach Potato
We rearranged our furniture on Sunday to incorporate our new coach. I would love to tell you more about it but I am really tired and probably lost you around Chapter Three anyway.

Hope your weekend was as full and merry as ours.

03 DecTattoo No. Three

Tom got his third tattoo this weekend. He has a fourth one picked out and a body location ready and waiting for a fifth. What if Tom had five tattoos when I met him? Would I have ever dated him? I’m glad I already knew Tom when he made the decision to permanently ink his skin. Tom is a permanent part of me and so are his tattoos.


I Heart Liz?


Nope, I Heart Celtic Knot Circle Thingy.

02 DecNo Toms Allowed

I don’t make the rules. Just check the receipt.



19 NovWatch Your Step

The sign said Watch Your Step. I didn’t see the sign. I didn’t see the step. All I saw was the floor 5 inches from my face. All I heard were gasps from people I didn’t know.

Friday night Tom and I went out for a (not on our diet) dinner before heading to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Knowing the state of affairs of the mall bathrooms I excused myself to use the ladies room before we left. There are two ways to get to the restrooms, cut through the bar or loop around the dining room. Some people scout out exit routes I scout out bathroom routes. What I didn’t know was there was a step between me and the bar. SPLAT! I didn’t even see it coming. I was on all fours. I think the people in the bar realized I was on the ground before I did. I jumped up and darted back to my table.

Besides the emotional scars this event has left with me I have a sore left foot. Not broken or sprained or even twisted. Just sore like I drop a dumbbell on it. Other than that I came out unharmed. Just truly humiliated.