People are a creature of habit, that’s what they say. So it’s not surprising when someone goes to the same grocery store, doctor, florist, gym, route to work or hairstylist for their entire adulthood. Often times one or two bad visits isn’t enough to break the routine. You get overcharged on your frozen peas, there are no elliptical machines available at 5:00 on the occasional Monday, you were late to work that time a tractor trailer was trying to make a tight right hand turn. It happens, you continue your routine. And for some people the thought of changing this routine can be stressful, create anxiety and therefore never happen. Then one day, like a light bulb over your head you decide to change your routine, to step outside of your comfort zone. No more poor bedside manner, no more wilted lily’s, no more short bangs. And with your stomach in knots you make a change.
This is all a very mellow dramatic way to say that after more than ten years I went to a new hairstylist. My hairstylist has been working with my stubborn, straight, flat hair for years. We’ve been though long, short, curly, colors and even my wedding day together. Then one day she canceled my appointment. An appointment I was looking forward to, needed, wanted, even scheduled my day around and it was gone. Her reason was lame, I guess that was the catalyst, a lame excuse.
I asked my fellow Dirt Girl for a reference at her salon and I did it. I had my haircut by someone new. And it was OK. It was better than OK. It was great. Granted I think it’s too short, but that always goes without saying. But the cut is new and fresh and when I walked in the front door Tom’s face lit up (I know, I know, you thought that happened all the time). He called me cute, all day long. If that ain’t worth an extra $15.00 I don’t know what is.
I haven’t told my prior hairstylist that I did this. I just never called to reschedule after she canceled. Do you think she figured it out? Do I owe her a phone call? An explanation? Ten years is a long time.
I contemplated all of this while looking cute at the mall.
At the Gap (some things never change) trying on new duds for the gym.