29 AprHappy, Happy

You say it’s your birthday
It’s my birthday too–yeah
They say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.

Yes we’re going to a party party
Yes we’re going to a party party
Yes we’re going to a party party.

I would like you to dance–Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance–Birthday

You say it’s your birthday
Well it’s my birthday too–yeah
You say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.


Happy Birthday to Sara and Miriam!

26 AprCheer Bear

One night this week while walking the dogs we came upon a Care Bear along the side of the road. Our dogs sniffed it out and then our boy dog Oscar took it by the arm and carried it home. He looked so cute with a big pink bear in his mouth walking down the street.

Now Cheer Bear has a new home with us and when we say to Oscar, “Where’s your Care Bear?” he goes and finds it. How cute it that?


It wasn’t long before our other dog Chyna took Cheer Bear away from Oscar. She’s kind of a bully like that.

18 AprIn Our Thoughts…


17 AprMiriam’s New Car

I was going through my digital photos today and opened a folder called, “Miriam’s New Car” and this is what I found…


Two for one Margaritas Bitches!

Wow, did we really go out drinking to celebrate a new car? That doesn’t seem terribly responsible. Let’s hope one of those fruity drinks is non-alcoholic. For the record it wasn’t mine.

And this is where I would insert the actual photo of her car, but um, there are no photos of her car. Wha?

05 AprSpring Break ’07

OK, so Tom and I technically don’t get a Spring Break. But guess what, we went to Florida anyway.

March 30th
When we visit Florida we stay at my parents place which they rent during “the season” which is January, February and March. March 30th is the day Tom and I flew to Florida. March 30th the tenants were still there. March 30th we found someplace else to stay.

How convenient is it to have friends in Tampa? Seriously if it weren’t Adam and Audrey taking us in we would have slept on the beach, which at first sounds nice, but then I’m pretty sure we would have gotten arrested for sleeping on the beach and then our first night in Florida would have been in jail and then when we did call Adam and Audrey it would have been for bail.


Our neighbors got a new double wide. We couldn’t be more jealous!

The Lighthouse and Sunset
No time to waste Saturday morning. Straight to Indian Rocks Beach for our most favorite thing ever. Breakfast at The Lighthouse. Ice coffee made just the way I like it, donuts that put Krispy Kreme to shame and a breakfast sandwich for good measure. After a quick bite we zip across the street for some beach time. But not a ton of beach time. I am married to the whitest man EVER. I think somewhere in our vows it said: I, Liz, promise to never let you, Tom, get a sunburn even if it means I have to give up valuable tanning time on the Gulf of Mexico on the most beautiful, sunniest, slightly breezy day ever. Later that night we went to Treasure Island to watch the sunset where we spent over an hour on the beach in which no tan was achieved.


Don’t be fooled.
He’s holding the fishing pole for a kid whose hook got caught in the rocks.


Sunset by jet ski.

I Love You Danica
Sunday…the day I have been waiting for…race day. We went to an IndyCar Race, the Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg. Also known as the day I got Danica Patrick’s autograph. I went from 32 to 12 years old in less time than it takes Danica to go from 0 to 200 mph. “I love you Danica!” Yes. I said it. Loudly. To her. Ugh.


Just seconds before “Driver’s Start Your Engines”


Just seconds after going from fan to psycho fan.

Da Pool
Tom’s favorite place on earth. If we weren’t at the beach, visiting friends, eating donuts, catching a sunset or confessing my true love to a female race car driver then we were at the pool. Twice a day, every day. Once before the sun was too high and once after sun went gone down (see vows above).

Lessons Learned

Last year we went to the same race and I left as a lobster. This year I wore a sunblock with an SPF higher than a four.

Keep the lines of communication open with my parents regarding the tenants travel plans. I am sure they are nice people and all but pretty sure they don’t want Tom and me as roommates.

Get Tom a skim board and a football. Keeping him distracted at the beach (and lathered in SPF 500) might buy me more time in the sun.

Acting 12, though as embarrassing as it seems now, was really fun at the time.


We came back to snow.
Till next time.

23 MarPain in the Neck

This week was a toughie. I woke up Saturday morning sick as a dog. Headache, sore throat, and very, very achy. Every joint in my body hurt along with my lower back. Something hit me and hit me hard. Luckily by Sunday I was already feeling better but whatever it was it has decided to settle in my sinuses. I sound like I am plugging my nose when I talk. And then to top it off I woke up Tuesday morning with a knot in my shoulder that would not quit. Though it is better I still can’t look all the way to the right. A friend at work has been nice enough to give me shoulder rubs throughout the day at my desk and my husband has been lathering me up with IcyHot before bed. It only took him one night to realize he should take out his contacts BEFORE covering his hands with that stuff – ouch! I packed my gym bag everyday this week and everyday at 5:00 the heating pad won out over the gym. Oh but don’t you worry Arc Trainer, I’ll be back!

This weekend we will get organized for our trip to Florida. We leave Friday. A trip to Target for travel size toiletries is in store along with a new supply of quart size baggies. I never knew that size could be so convenient in the kitchen until the new travel rules came out. All of a sudden leftovers, walnuts, raisins and marinated chicken went into a quart size bag (not all at the same time of course – though I do like almond slivers on my chicken). We will also be going to my nephew’s Karate tournament, watching the first IndyCar race of the season (Go Danica) and stopping at H&M. Why H&M? Because Madonna’s new clothing line is now in stores silly (and I am so getting those sunglasses)! I will also attempt to make it to the gym both days, I mean my bag is already packed. And a funny thing about my bag being packed all week is that I would switch out my workout outfit each day. What’s up with that? Issues.

Hope this post finds everyone in good health. I know that a dose of sun along the Gulf of Mexico is just what the doctor has ordered for me!

14 MarThe Drive Home

Scenes from Washington Park Lake driving home from the Y.


Lake house on a warm night in March.


Bridge in the mist.

11 MarGame Nights

Last night I played a couple rounds of Shrek Operation and two rounds of Sorry with my six year old nephew. The last time I played Sorry with him we didn’t agree on the rules and it wasn’t as much fun. This time there were no temper tantrums by either one of us.

Two weeks ago Tom and I took him to see a Patroons Basketball game. We all had such a good time that we went again this weekend. Our nephew is engaged with the game, watching the score, keeping us updated when we are ahead or behind. When our team is losing he will say, “it doesn’t look good.” This weekend when the game went into overtime he got up on his feet and pumped his arms when we scored and screamed “DEFENSE” when the other team had the ball. We were all so excited when the Pats won, high fives all around. At halftime he enjoys a package of Starburst, saving an orange one for last. The team mascot, Lido the Panda, even sat right next to him! When we get home he retells the nights events to his mom and grandma.

Our schedules don’t allow for any more Patroons games this winter, but for now we are planning a trip to the Y to play our own game of basketball and a dip in the pool of course.


Little Surgeon