So we get yet another call from Tom’s sister. Our nephew tripped at school and caught his eyebrow on the corner of a brick wall, which led to another trip to the plastic surgeon’s office for more stitches, on his face. Speechless. I was completely speechless. However, from what I understand the practice offered him a job, and there may be a new Wii game in his future.
We went to see him last night and I have to tell you, almost two weeks after the horrible dog bite incident, he is healing fabulously. I was pleasantly surprised at how much he had improved. I took photos but the lighting wasn’t great and the pics didn’t do his progress justice.
A few years ago, after one of Tom’s elbow surgeries, I bought him the Frankenteddy Beanie Baby to try and make him feel better. We thought now would be an appropriate time to pass it along to our nephew. The two boys got a kick out of finding the places on the bear that had stitches in the same places they did.

My nephew named him Lizard.
Our nephew is funny and smart and handsome and apparently a little clumsy. But I think he is going to come out of these unfortunate set backs just fine. He’s cool like that.