18 FebUpcoming and Ongoing

Here are a couple of things that I could have been posting about, but haven’t:


Tom is going to see Carrie Underwood in concert tomorrow. I am going too so I can wipe up his drool. Neither one of us likes country music, she’s just that hot.

This weekend I watched an entire Nascar Race, voluntarily. That paired with the concert. Scares me.

Our bathroom officially starts tomorrow. This time for real. I hope to keep a photo diary and bore you with those pics in the near future.

The bathroom remodel is going to give the YMCA a whole new meaning in my life. It’s where I am going to shower every morning for, um, two weeks.

My lovely girlfriend Carrie is coming to visit. She has a hubby and three young boys and she is leaving them all behind for a girls weekend in the area. First stop – getting wasted with me.

My parents are off to travel the world again. Paris and Northern India. They haven’t left yet and I miss them already.


We are making our house nice and cozy. We had an energy star audit done a few months ago. Bottom line: our house has zero, none, zip, zilch insulation. So a two man crew has been here for a few days getting our house all nice and snug.

The insulators have been nice enough to point out a couple of things to us. 1) They can see the sky when they look up along the chimney from the attic. Great.* 2) That smell of natural gas in the basement? Do you smell that too? Why yes I do. Well, bitch, you may want to call the gas company. Oh. Oops.**

Can’t wait for the phone calls from the contractor when he starts looking behind the bathroom walls.

Meanwhile the dogs have been going to grandma’s house everyday while the various crews work in the house. They absolutely love it. So do we. They are tired when they get home.

The energy audit also suggested we buy a new fridge. Done.


* Flashing around chimney fixed.
** Gas leak taken care of pronto.