That’s how many roses Tom bought me today because he was promoted.
We had the great fortune of experiencing our first snow storm of the season during rush hour today. So when I picked Tom up at work I made him cut through a bus stop and cross live lanes of traffic to get to the car and when he got in with a bouquet of roses I started driving away before both of his feet cleared the road because I was NOT losing my spot in the slush covered lane. While I cursed at the slick road I asked Tom what the flowers were for and that’s when he told me he was promoted. With much joy and excitement I congratulated him and then asked, “Shouldn’t I be the one buying you flowers?”.
Due to weather our celebratory dinner was within walking distance of our house. We went to the pub at the top of the street (not the big boobs required to work here pub, but the other one) and had all sorts of yummy bar food. And when Tom picked up the tab I thought to myself, “seriously, what kind of congratulator am I?”
So he’s the big cheese now at work (not to be confused with the big cheese at home, that’s still me). Hmmm…what should I spend his paycheck on first?? Ha ha just kidding. I already spent it!
As a side note, I was going to write about the move in my PiYo (Pilates / Yoga) class I pulled off this week for the first time, but I think my hubs promotion gets top billing today. But somehow I am still managing to mention the side plank while threading the needle move that I rocked anyway.
Back to Tom…congrats babe!